Grace Church of DuPage

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Pray for Karis Wadsack

It has been a long, busy, but rewarding summer in Slovenia. After the Fusion camps that our Grace Church team was apart of, Karis took a weekend trip to Croatia with some believing friends for a much needed time of fellowship and R&R. She is now in the throes of the start of the school year, Fusion and JV planning for the year, continued discipleship and mentoring relationships with students from camp, and a JV conference in the Czech Republic. 

Additionally, Karis received news last week that her grandfather had passed away. She flew home to Texas yesterday and will be there until the funeral on Saturday.

Please be Praying!

  • Pray for Karis and her family this week. May they lean into the Lord, trusting him to meet their needs and be their comfort during this hard time.

  • Pray for follow up of students who were at camp, that they would still have open ears to what God is speaking to them. 

  • Pray for wisdom for Karis to know how many and which girls to disciple this next year and what that should look like. Pray that she would continue to grow in her relationship with the Lord and may her heart to share and live out the Gospel continue to grow. 

  • Pray for Nastja and MaruĊĦa (believing students from Croatia) who are going to college this fall. May their relationship with God continue to grow. And may they be clear witnesses of the Gospel to the students they meet and befriend.