Grace Church of DuPage

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G.O. Team Quarterly Prayer Meeting

A few weeks ago, we had our quarterly prayer meeting in the Fireside room.  If you were unable to join us, please consider praying on your own time or inviting others to join you in lifting up these requests before the Lord.

Purpose of our Global Outreach Efforts

It is our prayer that God would accomplish his purposes in and through us.  That he would strengthen our hearts in the desire to carry out this objective and equip us to carry it out, according to his good will.  And that he would knit our hearts together with those involved in these ministries and show us how to better love and serve them.


We are committed to the preparing and sending of people that are seeking the Lord to enable them to live and proclaim the gospel with authenticity and passion.  The local church is called by God to go, make disciples, teach, and baptize, all to the glory and praise of God.  We desire to play an active role in the preparation and sending of global outreach workers. It is our firm belief that there should be a strong tie between the local church and the outreach field.

Prayer for our Global Partners 

Jon & Andrea Hoglund
Serving with Hanoi Bible College to train up pastors for the Evangelical Church of Vietnam

  • Pray for a clear core ministry team to develop for a new church plant.

  • Pray for HBC students beginning their first theology class this semester.

  • Pray for Christians in Hà Giang province to persevere in faith.

Eitan & Orit Kashtan
Involved in outreach and discipleship opportunities in Gan Yavne, Israel through active involvement in Grace & Truth Congregation and work at HaChotam Christian Publishing House

  • For their big children's project "My First 100 Songs" and the concert they will have in April.

  • For solid faith and confidence in the Lord among the youth

  • Praise God for Orit’s opportunity to speak to women soldiers. Prayers for relationship opportunities.

Tim & Linda Kelly
Church planters of the Free Evangelical Bible Church in Meine, Germany.  Serving the local body and pursuing evangelistic opportunities through radio ministry and biblical training centers.

  • Appointing 2 elders in the church plant in Minden on the 3 of February and on the 14 of April an elder in the church plant in Halle

  • For continuing faithfulness on their part to the work that God has called them. To have joy and not to grow weary. For thankful hearts and wisdom in counseling.

Theresa Kerns
Serving as the Human Resource Director for the USA Mobilizing Organization, Josiah Venture

  • New financial system that is changing all the training for new missionary orientation. Please pray for me as she learn the system

  • Pray for our 10 new missionary who attended the February 12-15 Orientation. 

Sasoon & Sirosh Margaryan
Church Planting in Akhaltsike, Georgia

  • Prayer for them as they strive to share the gospel with people of different nationalities.

  • For the children’s ministry in their church. That their children would grow to love and serve the Lord.

Contact the church office for more information
Serving with a Theological Seminary in Southeast Asia

Illie & Ghizela Nadaban
Church Planters of Pregeteria Baptist Church serving with Gypsy population in Arad, Romania

  • For Pastor Ilie and his church - effective ministry and boldness of faith

  • For new converts growth and maturity in the faith

  • For health and provision for him and his family,

Claire Patty
Serving as the Josiah Venture Kids Ministry Specialist

  • Praising God for a year with JV as of Dec 20th

  • Prayers for a young girl Claire has been meeting with and has gone through the LOOK evangelical bible study with.

  • Colossians 2:6-7

Dave & Connie Patty
Serving as Leadership and Prayer Support for Josiah Venture

  • For the most recent JV Winter Academy for 1st and 2nd year missionaries. That they would have soft hearts to the sessions.

  • That they would stay fresh in their walks with the Lord, attentive to the Spirit, and stay connected to each other

  • Prayer for Dave’s study on true and false worship for Spring conference.

Tyler & Lara Patty
Serving with Josiah Venture in the Czech Republic through Theological Training, equipping young leaders, and ForMission Seminary

  • Prayer for the 5 Czech JV interns they are mentoring in Bible and Theology

  • Prayer for preparations for our March missions trip (hopefully to Ukraine).

  • Preparations to launch the campus in September are ramping up!

  • Pray also for student recruitment and a smooth process of getting the program approved by the Czech Ministry of Education.

Vova & Lucie Sofiyan
Church Planting and Theological Training in Artashat, Armenia

  • For their next generation believers, that they would grow in faith and maturity.

  • That the church's bold witness would fall on ready hearts and listening ears.

Karis Wadsack
Serving the Youth Ministry in Stik Church in Maribor, Slovenia

  • Pray for wisdom in discipling Tina, Anja and Manja.

  • That their church would find seekers of God and new discovery Bible reading groups could pop up all over the city!

  • That she would finish well as she wraps up her time with JV and says goodbyes to friends and colleagues

Heidi AnsielRaising support to work with JV Communications Team in Slovenia.

  • That God would give power, courage, and strength to rest in His care.

  • God would give their team in Slovenia renewed passion and deep love for Jesus, bold faith, and vision for their church.

  • God would continue to raise up a team of supporters and she’d be fully supported by April 2019