Grace Church of DuPage

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Global Outreach Prayer Overview

Yesterday, we had our quarterly prayer meeting in the Fireside room to seek the Lord's goodness on behalf of our global outreach ministries.  If you were unable to join us, please consider praying on your own time or inviting others to join you in lifting up these requests before the Lord.


1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.


Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


Psalm 30:4-5

  Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints,
        and give thanks to his holy name.
 For his anger is but for a moment,
        and his favor is for a lifetime.
    Weeping may tarry for the night,
        but joy comes with the morning

Psalm 30:11

   You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
        you have loosed my sackcloth
        and clothed me with gladness,

Purpose of our Global Outreach Efforts

Pray that God would accomplish his purposes in and through us.  Pray that he would strengthen our hearts in the desire to carry out this objective and equip us to carry it out, according to his good will.  Pray that he would knit our hearts together with those involved in these ministries and show us how to better love and serve them.


We are committed to the preparing and sending of people that are seeking the Lord to enable them to live and proclaim the gospel with authenticity and passion.  The local church is called by God to go, make disciples, teach, and baptize, all to the glory and praise of God.  We desire to play an active role in the preparation and sending of global outreach workers. It is our firm belief that there should be a strong tie between the local church and the outreach field.

Theme Verse

2 Thessalonians 3:1

Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you,



Matt & Susan Bigelow
Sharing the gospel and making disciples through church planting with Mountain View Baptist Church in Cape Town, South Africa and the surrounding communities

  • Pray for their final support raising and stateside prep.  Their plan is to return to South Africa in the summer of 2018

  • Pray that the Lord would be preparing the hearts of those they will be serving in Cape Town


Jon & Andrea Hoglund
Serving with Hanoi Bible College to train up pastors for the Evangelical Church of Vietnam

  • Pray for Jon in his preparation and teaching at the college this semester.

  • Pray for their children as they transition back to Vietnamese culture (after being in the states for several weeks).

  • Pray for Andrea as she homeschools their kids

  • Pray for their living situation, they recently and suddenly had to move out of their home

  • Pray for continued language learning

  • Pray that they would be a light to their community


Eitan & Orit Kashtan
Involved in outreach and discipleship opportunities in Gan Yavne, Israel through active involvement in Grace & Truth Congregation and work at HaChotam Christian Publishing House

  • Pray for Orit's continued recovery after sustaining a fractured skull from a fall

  • Pray that the Lord would sustain them in the many responsibilities they have

  • Pray for safe travels and mutual encouragement when they visit in November


Tim & Linda Kelly
Church planters of the Free Evangelical Bible Church in Meine, Germany.  Serving the local body and pursuing evangelistic opportunities through radio ministry and biblical training centers

  • Give thanks to the Lord for His 20 years of faithfulness to their church

  • Pray for the third generation of Christians in their church (many of them still children) that they would be steadfast and strengthened in their faith. Pray that God would use their church to equip the next generation of young leaders.


Theresa Kerns
Serving as the Human Resource Director for the USA Mobilizing Organization, Josiah Venture

  • Pray for safe travels as she takes many trips overseas throughout the year

  • Pray for wisdom and guidance in the many discipleship opportunities the Lord brings her

  • Pray for rest and times of fellowship with the Lord


Sasoon & Sirosh Margaryan
Church Planting and Theological Training in Artashat, Armenia

  • Pray for continued faithful, bold witness to their church and in their community

  • Pray for the Lord's continued blessing and provision with their ministry


Contact the church office for more information
Serving with a Theological Seminary in Southeast Asia

  • Pray for preparation and teaching at the seminary

  • Pray for their kids as they transition back to the culture (after being in the states for many weeks)

  • Pray for them as they start homeschooling, this is a big transition

  • Pray against regulations that could potentially limit or prevent them from doing their work


Illie & Ghizela Nadaban
Church Planters of Pregeteria Baptist Church serving with Gypsy population in Arad, Romania

  • Pray for Pastor Illie's continued recovery from cardiac surgery earlier this year

  • Praise God for the fruit of many new believers and baptisms in their church

  • Pray for faithfulness to the Word of God and in their witness to their community


Vova & Lucie Sofiyan
Church Planting and Theological Training in Akhaltsike, Armenia

  • Pray for continued faithful and bold witness to their church and their community

  • Pray for the Lord's continued blessing and provision with their ministry

  • Pray for many of their church members who attend without their family, pray for these families that they would come to know and love Jesus and join the church


Claire Patty
Serving as the Josiah Venture Kids Ministry Specialist (in Malenovice, Czech Republic starting December 2017)

  • Praise the Lord that Claire has received 100% of her one-time gift and monthly funding.

  • Pray that the Lord would continue to prepare her in these last couple months before she moves back to the Czech Republic, that the Lord would help her to transition well

  • Pray for these next couple weeks as she travels to various supporters, for safety and for God's work to be done in and through her


Dave & Connie Patty
Serving as Leadership and Prayer Support for Josiah Venture

  • Pray for continued blessing and fruit born from the JV Prayer Room

  • Pray for wisdom as they seek the Lord's direction throughout this next year of ministry

  • Pray for this busy season as they have many trips and opportunities to serve, that they would love people well, be given grace and perseverance, and that the Lord would provide refreshment in himself in the midst of it all

  • Pray that they would trust in the Lord's provision with ears ready to hear and feet ready to follow Him


Karis Wadsack
Serving the Youth Ministry in Stik Church in Maribor, Slovenia

  • Pray for unity among their team members

  • Pray for energy and passion for the work the Lord has placed before them

  • Pray for soft, repentant hearts of the students

  • Pray for open doors in the community to witness

  • Pray for students that attended camp that they would continue to plug-in with the Fusion group there

  • Pray for a fresh and renewed passion in her work

  • Pray for her as she continues to learn the language


Short-Term Team

  • Pray that God would begin working in hearts even now to raise up a team for this coming Summer

  • Pray for Nick Conner and Ray Glinski as they plan and coordinate logistics for this team