Grace Church of DuPage

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Pray for Claire Patty

Claire will be heading to Czech on August 15th, where she will come alongside her Josiah Venture teammates, Mel and Amy Ellenwood, to prep for their annual JV Kid's camp. From there, they will make the trip to their camp location in Croatia. 

The 46 JV Kids (children of JV missionaries) ages 8-18 will gather for a week of camp . This is the one time a year when the JV Kids get to spend time all together. During this time they will be spiritually nourished and relationally recharged by their time together, and be poured into by their counselors - JV staff who are committed to loving and serving these kids.

Camp is also a unique time of year where they can hear from the Word of God in their own language (English). "Miss Trish", one of our full time JV staff in Slovenia, will be teaching the kids again this year. She will teach on the "Art and Practice of Following the Shepherd" from Psalm 23. This psalm greatly impacted the JV staff at their Spring Conference in May. Please be praying that it will take hold in the hearts of the JV Kids as well!

Please Pray!

  • There are some first-timers to camp this year (a new family, a new group of 8 year olds, as well as 3 new staff). Please pray that they find their place in the JV family - that God would clearly carve that out for each on and that they would assimilate easily and quickly
  • There is also a major space crunch! The team will have to be very creative with housing. Please pray that the Lord would give the leaders wisdom in knowing how to set up the rooms for His purposes.
  • Pray for good weather as some kids will be in tents this year!
  • Above all, please be praying with the team that the Lord transforms the hearts of these kids - that the Word of God would take root and transform their lives.