Grace Church of DuPage

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Fusion Camp

Our fusion camp is underway! The theme this year is "Forever Reign" and  the students will be walked through the gospel beginning with David and leading up to his heir, Jesus, our forever king. 

We're already knee deep in choir practices, music workshops, games and relationships. Our team has done a great job of engaging the students, serving the JV and Slovene staff, leading workshops (Hannah & Mikayla), leading choir songs (Dan), and setting good examples.  Please keep us in prayer as exhaustion is already creeping in - for example, someone fell asleep sitting up during our team prayer time tonight and Kaci had to say "Amen" a few extra times to bring them back to life! Okay, I confess, it was me. Please also be praying for hearts to be ready on Thursday as that is the night the gospel is being shared.

I'd love to write more and brag about all on our wonderful team but our morning meeting is approaching quickly and I need to get some sleep so I don't fall asleep again during our prayers!


Nick Conner

80's night was a hit!