Grace Church of DuPage

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Ukraine Update from Josiah Venture

From Dave and Connie Patty

Dear Friends,

It has been twenty days since the unimaginable happened when Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Our brains are still trying to comprehend this unjustified, unthinkable, and already devastating war.

Last weekend a military base, just 20 kilometers from the Polish border and three hours from our house, was bombed. Our hearts ache over the loss of life there and across Ukraine. So many lives have been upended in these past three weeks.

The lives and mission of our JV staff have also been upended. Three weeks ago, we were a youth leadership organization training young people in evangelism and discipleship. Today we are also caring for refugees and delivering humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Why? Because we know it’s what Jesus taught and would have us do.

We are haunted and encouraged by the story of the Good Samaritan who, unlike the priest and Levite who walked past, did NOT leave the wounded man alongside the road. Instead, he saw him, took pity, bandaged him, and brought him to an inn where he could be cared for. He left money and instructions that he would be back. His mercy, kindness, and compassion are at the heart of this story.

Jesus ends the parable with, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

We are seeking to “Go and do likewise,” as it says in Luke 10, bringing mercy, kindness, and compassion to our neighbors in Ukraine, as Jesus told the experts of the law to do.

Josiah Venture's Response to the Crisis

Over the past twenty days, our JV team has tirelessly served to care for our Ukrainian neighbor.

  • We have transported 27 full buses of primarily mothers and children across the border and into safe hands, and buses 28 and 29 are on the way today.

  • With these buses and other vans, we have transported over 1,300 people across the border to safety in surrounding countries.

  • Sixty-five tons of food and medical supplies have been delivered to our hubs in Ukraine. From there, they are being transported in cars and vans to churches and needy people further east.

  • The food we have bought and transported so far will provide 160,000 meals to suffering people on the front lines of the conflict.

  • Twenty-five thousand copies of the booklet “22 Days of Encouragement”, written by our staff, have been printed and are being distributed. This booklet is a collection of Psalms chosen specifically for this situation, with explanations and a presentation of the gospel at the end. Another organization has asked for permission to print 1 million copies of this wonderful resource and distribute it within Ukraine.

  • We are working on a Gospel of John with an evangelistic study in the back and a New Testament and Psalms that churches and believers can hand out.

Our Ukraine Crisis Response

Our Josiah Venture team is responding to the urgent crisis in Ukraine in two ways:

  • by supporting the work of our team and local churches on the ground inside Ukraine.

  • by assisting Ukrainian refugees as they move into neighboring countries.

Most of our JV Ukrainian national missionaries are currently staying in Ukraine to serve those around them. Click here to see their names and faces. They are coordinating with churches inside Ukraine to provide desperately needed shelter, food, evacuation, medical supplies, personal care, spiritual encouragement, Bibles, and the hope-filled message of the gospel during this crisis.

Personal Update

This morning, Dave spoke to our entire team through his bi-monthly JV webinar.

I cried more than once as members of our Ukraine team shared the difficulties they're facing, their hearts for their people, and the opportunities God is giving them to bring practical and spiritual help amid this crisis.

Each of them spoke so honestly about how hard it is, but how proud they are of their Ukrainian team and the rest of the JV family for serving sacrificially as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Dave and Ukraine country leader, Ben Williams, are on the latest JV Stories Podcast talking about Ukraine. Click HERE to listen!

Join Us in Prayer

  1. Pray for Dave as he leads the team through this crisis - that he will do so with the love and compassion of Jesus and clear vision for what He wants us to do for His people during this tragically historical event.

  2. Pray for me, Connie, as I have been sick since the beginning of the year. After many doctor visits and tests these past few months, I was just diagnosed with long-haul Covid. I am under the care of an excellent doctor in Vienna, Austria, who is treating me through various therapies. She says to expect 4-6 months before I'll feel well again. Pray God will bring healing, but even more, accomplish his good plan for me through this suffering.

  3. Pray for our Ukraine Team, for a miracle in their country that brings an end to this war. Praise God for sustaining them through their tireless efforts to serve those in need. Pray for daily physical, emotional, and spiritual strength.