Summertime Reflections on God and His Word
Psalm 119 is made up of eight stanzas for each of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet to express the breadth and length and height and depth of the word of God. The psalmist’s pleas for God to “Remember your word to your servant….Teach me your statutes!...Give me life according to your word!...Make me understand the way of your precepts,” and other such appeals resonate with me as I wrestle daily to know and keep his word. If, however, it is only the word of God that I am striving to know and not “the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” (Ephesians 3:18), my pursuit is in vain.
This summer the women of Grace will be discussing a book that I hope will lead us to know the love of Christ through an understanding of the triune God. Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves was written--as he wrote in his introduction--to help us grow in our enjoyment of God and see how God’s triune being makes all his ways beautiful. “It is a chance to taste and see that the Lord is good, to have your heart won and yourself refreshed.” In the five chapters that we will be reading, we will be answering the following questions: 1) What was the triune God doing before the creation of the world and man? 2) Why is the creation of man an outworking of his triune nature? 3) Where do we see the triune God at work in salvation? 4) What is the role of the Spirit? And, 5) How does the Trinity shape our understanding of how we describe and respond to God.
Beginning June 20th and continuing through the month of July (with the exception of July 4th) the book discussion will be held each Tuesday in the Fireside Room from 7:00-8:30pm. I hope the women of Grace Church will obtain a copy of the book and join us as we grow and learn more about our loving triune God.
Additionally, on the same dates as the book discussion, on Tuesday morning from 10:00-11:00am, we will meet at Seven Gables Park in Wheaton to discuss the sermons we hear on the prior Sunday. Since we will have childcare at the park, we hope that many of the moms will join us.
Stay tuned for email and bulletin announcements as our time together draws near.
Andrea Rupple
Coordinator of Women’s Ministries