Grace Church of DuPage

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Memory Through Music

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Parent’s Corner- February 12, 2023

“Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.  Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” Ephesians 5:19

Music can be a powerful tool, especially when it comes to memorizing!  To this day, every time I’m looking for a book of the Bible, I find myself singing the “books of the Bible” song from AWANA!  I’m sure many of you have testimonies as well. . . of how a song helped you to learn a verse, how a song helped your child remember a promise of God written into a hymn.  

My grandfather learned first-hand how important music can be to one’s faith.  He and my grandmother moved to Korea to serve as missionaries shortly after their wedding.  Five months later, he was imprisoned by the Japanese who had taken over their city.  Sitting in his cell, without his Bible, he sought comfort and encouragement in the Scripture and hymns he had memorized.  He was saddened to learn that he only knew the first verses to many hymns.  After he was released, and when he and my grandmother were raising their children, they made it a point to have their children memorize passages of Scripture and all the verses to the hymns they sang.  “You never know when you’re going to need them!”  Some sixty years later, when he was suffering with Alzheimer’s, the last words he was able to communicate coherently were the words to the hymns he had memorized as a young man.  What a comfort it was to our family to hear those words, and what a testimony it was to those around him.  Truly, this music was in his heart, and he sang it to the Lord in praise.

This week, ask your child about a song they sang in Sunday School.  I hope and pray it is a fond memory for them, as well as a powerful learning tool.  

This week in Sunday school. . . 

2s and 3s- Jesus Heals a Lame Man

Lesson Truth- Jesus healed the lame man’s legs.

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during the lesson:

  1. Thank God for healthy legs and feet

  2. Tell who healed the lame man’s legs

  3. Tell who can make us well again when we’re not well

4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th- God Calls Joshua to be His Servant

Scripture- Joshua 1

Principle- God requires believers to live as His servants.

Ask Your Child- What did God command Joshua?

Apply- By being strong and courageous in serving God?

This Week- As a family, read Joshua 1.

Next Week- Joshua 2

Children’s Church- God Brought About the Restoration of the Temple.

Scripture- Ezra 1-6

Principle- Believers respond to the blessing of worship by submitting their heart to God.

Ask Your Child- How did God fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy?

Apply- By worshiping God with a rejoicing heart.

This Week- As a family, read Ezra 1-6

Next week- Ezra 7-10