RENEW Youth Great News Nights
Join us for an evening dedicated to good times and great news as we spend most of the evening engaging in student-led fun before hearing the great news of the gospel. Be sure to invite a friend!
Join us for an evening dedicated to good times and great news as we spend most of the evening engaging in student-led fun before hearing the great news of the gospel. Be sure to invite a friend!
Join us for Lessons and Prayer, a brief season of Bible teaching followed by prayer for the life and work of the church at home and around the world.
It is a privilege that we are permitted to host corporate services and we would like to make the most of this opportunity for the glory of God and the good of His people.
We hope you are able to make this time a priority.
Ladies, join us in a warm up for worship as we seek the Lord to prepare the hearts of our body to respond to Him in corporate worship. We meet in the Fireside Room each Sunday, 8:15–8:45am. Come for any or all of the prayer time. All are welcome.
Renew Youth Ministry meets each Sunday morning of the school year to worship and study the Bible. We'd love to have you join us this year as we’ll be exploring the Life of Christ with the gospels as your guide.
BT stands for “Be Transformed” and is the title of our discipleship small groups.
Join us as we gather to study and apply Scripture from 1 Corinthians. See schedule here.
God is changing the world through the ministry of AWANA by equipping leaders to reach kids age 3 years through 5th grade with the gospel and engaging them in long-term discipleship.
Join us as we reach kids with the truth!
AWANA begins at 7pm on Wednesdays from September 11, 2024, through April 30, 2025.
Our Coffeehouse nights are dedicated to meaningful discussions, yummy food and a great vibe. This year we’ll be exploring questions that arise from the book of 1 Corinthians.
Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are adult Sunday school classes geared for adults of all ages and walks of life to systematically study God’s Word by means of lecture and discussion.
Join us at 9AM on Sunday mornings starting back up on January 5th.
CE-13: Petros/A study of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Malachi: Heart Revival: The Remnant’s Failed Pursuit of Righteousness and the Hope for True Renewal
CE-12: Themelios/We will be focusing on the faith once delivered, as it is expressed through the Heidelberg Catechism.
CE-10/11: Kerdos/2 Samuel: Establishing the throne of David to point us to the need of a truly good King.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the church office by email or call 630-393-7344.
2025 Basketball League at Grace Church of DuPage begins on Tuesday, January 7th!
Register now!
Study the Book of Mark with other sisters in Christ to draw closer to our Suffering Savior and King. This study by Dane Ortlund will be a worthy way to prepare for Lent as well as being a companion to our current sermon series in the Gospel of John.
Mornings 9:30-11:00am (with childcare) at the church
Evenings 7:00-8:30pm (no childcare) in a local home
All 6th-12th grade students are invited to sign up for our Winter Retreat at Phantom Ranch Bible Camp!
DATE: January 17–19
LOCATION: Phantom Ranch Bible Camp, W309 S10910 CR-I, Mukwonago, WI 53149
RETREAT COST: Through January 1st $150; After January 1st $165. Last day to register: January 12th
Register Now!
Our Soup & Chili Contest will be Sunday, January 19th, at 6pm. Bring your favorite recipe and join us! Prizes for the best soup & best chili!
Cheese, chips, sour cream, dessert & beverages will be provided by our Fellowship Committee.
Mission Launchpad - Session 2: The Gospel - Tuesdays, 7pm, Jan 21–Feb 25
A 5-week class that will equip you with practical tools to discern your place in God’s mission. All are welcome, even if you missed session 1. Bring your Bible and something to take notes on.
The Kerdos College & 20's group will be heading to Indiana for a 2-day retreat, February 14–16!
Speaker: Steve Leston
Theme: Rooted: Finding Your True Identity and Purpose in Life,
Let go of the world’s promises and discover the true riches of life in Christ!
Register below! Space is limited. Contact the church office for more information.
Join us on Tuesday, December 24th, at 6pm as we gather to remember the first coming of Jesus and anticipate His second coming. We will hear from God's Word, sing carols and songs of praise, and prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christmas!
Join us for a Christmas breakfast potluck on Sunday, December 15th, at 9am! The Fellowship team will provide coffee, juice, and mocha punch! Please bring a breakfast main dish to share.
Invite friends & family!
Join us Saturday, December 14th, at 2pm, for our Special Needs Christmas Celebration as we sing carols, enjoy treats, decorate a Christmas Tree, and hear the story of the birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord. All are invited!
This is not a drop-off event. Participants with special needs must be accompanied.
Back by popular demand, our Kerdos traditions will carry on with a potluck hors d'oeuvre-style meal, a white elephant exchange, and a photo booth.
Please join us Saturday, December 7th, at 6:30pm at the Hinkle home with an appetizer to share and a gift under $5 for the exchange.
Men, join us for breakfast on Saturday, December 7th, at 7am!
Bring neighbors, friends, and colleagues and come ready to be in the Word, learn, discuss, share and EAT with your brothers. Cost is $5.
Join us Tuesday, December 3rd, at 7pm to hear about Abby Jones's upcoming ministry work with Kids Alive and ways to partner as she prepares to serve full-time in the Dominican Republic.
We’ll meet in the Youth Room, desserts and refreshments will be served.
Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service on Wednesday, Nov 27th, at 7pm, where we will sing, pray, share in communion, and recount with one another the goodness of the Lord in our lives.
There is no childcare available for this service.
Gather with us on Sunday, November 17th, at 6pm for a Thanksgiving meal as we praise God for all the work he has done in and through us.
Our Fellowship Committee will provide turkey, cranberry sauce, rolls & dessert. Please bring a side dish to share.
We hope you can stop by the Renew Youth Bake Sale on Sunday mornings, November 17th and 24th!
All proceeds go towards sending students to our Winter Retreat.
Join us for our Special Needs Movie Event, A Bug's Life, on Saturday, November 9th, at 2pm. We invite all to attend, showing the love of Christ to our local Special Needs community.
RSVP appreciated, but not required. Email the church office or call 630-393-7344.
This is not a drop-off event. Participants with special needs must be accompanied.
Join us Sunday, November 3rd, at 6pm as this month’s Scripture & Song gathering will be given primarily to prayer on behalf of the persecuted church around the world.
Following morning worship service on Sunday, November 3rd, we invite college-age students and young adults to join us at the Armstrong home for food and fellowship.
Contact the church office for more information.
Help stock the Warrenville Food Pantry!
Bring a box of cereal Sunday morning, November 3rd, to the donation table in the Lobby or CE entrance. Eight hundred households visit the Food Pantry monthly.
Help get odd jobs around the church completed to prepare for the coming winter months. Watch your email for a list of needs.
Or you can also contact Ken Pearson or contact the church office.
Join us at our International Potluck Dinner as we celebrate GCD’s 40th Anniversary and spend some time reflecting on God’s goodness and grace.
Please bring an international main dish to share. The Fellowship Committee will provide salad, dessert, and beverages.
Let's trace God's hand of faithfulness together.
Following the morning worship, we invite college-age students and young adults to join us at the Hinkle home for food and fellowship.
Contact the church office for more information.
The Grace Church Annual Meeting will be Sunday, October 6th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary as a special edition of Scripture & Song. Please gather with us in this time of reflection on God’s goodness in our body and for ministry updates.
Children of all ages are invited to attend. There will be no childcare.
Grace Kids invites you to participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, blessing children around the world with tangible gifts, as well as the greatest gift of all. . . knowing Jesus!
There are many ways you can participate in Operation Christmas Child!
Join us for a Special Needs Game Day and Ice Cream Social on Saturday, October 5th, from 2–4pm, for crafts, bingo and other games. All are invited and bring a friend!
If you have any interest in helping with this ministry see Kevin or Sue Jacobsen.
RSVP appreciated, but not required. Email the church office or call 630-393-7344.
This is not a drop-off event. Participants with special needs must be accompanied.
For those who are visiting or newer to Grace Church, we would be delighted if you could join us at Grace Church, in Room CE13, for lunch on September 29th at 12:30pm!
Please RSVP here by September 25th.
Children welcome!
Our next Men’s Retreat will be September 27-28! Charles Marble will be our speaker on the message, Alone With God: How practicing solitude strengthens community.
Come be encouraged by your brothers in Christ as we hear the word, sing praise, share meals, and have quality time together.
Cost is $108. Please RSVP here by Sept 13.
Following the morning service on Sunday, September 22nd, we invite college-age students or young adults to join us at the Cisowski home for food and fellowship.
Contact the church office for more information.
Interested in pursuing Church Membership? Our Starting Point Class begins with a focus on baptism and will meet Sept. 22 & 29. Those who have already received Believers Baptism will join us Oct. 6, 13, 20.
Sign up with the church office.
Grab your blanket and join us on the north lawn for a picnic lunch on Sunday, September 15th, following our morning service.
Popcorn, hay rides, face painting, and a full BBQ meal will be provided! (Rain or shine!)
2024 Flag Football League kicks off Sept 14th!
4-on-4 flag football league. 6 team max. 7 week season + Playoff Week (Top 4 Make Playoffs)
Top 4 teams double header playoff on the last week of the season.
Saturday mornings at 8:00am
START DATE: September 14th
PLAYOFF WEEK: November 2nd
Register here
We are called to joyfully endure. Ladies, you're invited to a ten-week study through the Book of Philippians: Living for Christ, by Lydia Brownback.
Tuesdays mornings 9:30–11am at the church (with childcare)
Tuesdays evenings 7-8:30pm at the Molengraft home (no childcare)
We hope to see you there!
Register Here!
Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are adult Sunday school classes geared for adults of all ages and walks of life to systematically study God’s Word by means of lecture and discussion. In addition, time is given to share prayer requests, to intercede for these needs, and to seek God’s help and blessing on what is taught that day. ABFs also make great places to get to know one another in a more informal setting!
Find out more about Adult Bible Fellowships here.
Join us at 9AM on Sunday mornings starting on September 8th in one of our studies!
Open Gym Basketball on Tuesday nights, September 3rd through end of 2024!
Not just for Grace Church folks. Invite friends and family. It’s a great opportunity for fellowship!
For player ages 16+, or just come to hang out.
Join us Tuesdays evenings this summer for a small-group discussion with other sisters in Christ about biblical themes of death and resurrection in our lives as exemplified by Jesus, as we read J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life, by Paul E. Miller. Contact the church office for location information.
Cost of the book is $12.50. Register here →
If you already have the book, you will put in the discount code of NBN and that will register you for the study at no cost. Otherwise your copy will arrive shortly to the church.
Join us for Vacation Bible School 2024, The Great Jungle Journey, June 17th–21st, 9am–12pm
Grades (starting in the Fall of 2024) Kindergarten–5th Grade.
At Grace Church of DuPage, it's our joy to show kids that God’s Word connects to every area of our lives and is relevant today as it has been for thousands of years! God's Word never fails, so join us as we discover what he has to say to us in his Word together! Register here!
Registration is limited, so sign up soon!