Why we pray
Prayer is integral and indispensable to the Christian life. As Matthew Henry said, “You may as well find a living man without breath, as a living Christian without prayer.” Prayer is essential to our spiritual life as individuals and as a church. We pray according to God’s Word, led by His Holy Spirit.
Though in its beginnings prayer is so simple that the feeblest child can pray, it is at the same time the highest and holiest work to which man can rise. Prayer is fellowship with the Unseen and Most Holy One. The powers of the eternal world have been placed at prayer’s disposal. It is the very essence of true religion and the channel of all blessings. It is the secret of power and life not only for ourselves, but for others, for the church, and for the world. It is to prayer that God has given the right to take hold of Him and His strength.
-With Christ in the School of Prayer, Andrew Murray
We'd welcome the opportunity to pray with you or for you. Just contact us in the Grace Church Office.
Our Prayer Gatherings
Lessons and Prayer
Wednesdays at 7:15pm in the Sanctuary
Lessons and Prayer is a brief season of Bible teaching followed by prayer for the life and work of the church at home and around the world.
Lord, let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Men's Discipleship Groups
Join one of our men's discipleship groups that meets in the mornings for prayer and the study of God's Word.
Women’s Prayer
Contact Carley Freeman.
Various Prayer Teams
Contact Daryle Worley.
Community Groups meeting throughout the week
Join a Community Group or a Kerdos – College & 20s Small Group for further opportunities to study God's Word together, pray, and strengthen personal accountability.
Praise & Prayer Requests
Get the Prayer Sheet in your inbox each week
A practical guide to pray for the persecuted church, the nations, our country, our community, and our church family. Grace Weekly also includes the sermon podcast, ministry updates, and various announcements in addition to the weekly prayer sheet. Scroll to the very bottom of the email to find the link to the prayer sheet.
Follow Global Outreach Updates
Follow our Global Outreach Blog to stay updated on specific prayer requests for our workers in various countries around the world.
Pray with Josiah Venture
"The Josiah Venture prayer room exists to mobilize 365 days of 24-hour uninterrupted prayer for the youth of Central and Eastern Europe. After signing up for your “watch” you will be led through an unfolding hour of personal connection with God and specific prayer requests from JV ministries and missionaries in 13 countries" (josiahventure.com/pray).