- Season starts the last week of April (opening day April 24th). The Championship week will be the second or third week of July, pending weather delays and the final number of teams registered.
- 10-12 game guarantee, including playoffs. Schedule TBD once the number of registered teams are known. The schedule will be based on a targeted championship game on Thursday, July 19.
- Team registration is due by Friday April 13th.
- All games will be initially scheduled on either Tuesday or Thursday night. Make-up games will be scheduled on Monday nights.
- First pitch is 6:30. The fields are available for warm-ups beforehand, but opposing teams must share the field.
- League Fee = $400 - All league fees are due before the first game of the season.
Players must be at least sixteen (16) years of age at the beginning of the season. To be eligible for a playoff roster, a player must have played in a minimum of one (1) regular season game.