Grace Church of DuPage

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G.O. Team Quarterly Prayer Meeting

Two weeks ago, we had our quarterly prayer meeting in the Fireside room to seek the Lord's goodness on behalf of our global outreach ministries.  If you were unable to join us, please consider praying on your own time or inviting others to join you in lifting up these requests before the Lord.

Purpose of our Global Outreach Efforts

It is our prayer that God would accomplish his purposes in and through us.  That he would strengthen our hearts in the desire to carry out this objective and equip us to carry it out, according to his good will.  And that he would knit our hearts together with those involved in these ministries and show us how to better love and serve them.


We are committed to the preparing and sending of people that are seeking the Lord to enable them to live and proclaim the gospel with authenticity and passion.  The local church is called by God to go, make disciples, teach, and baptize, all to the glory and praise of God.  We desire to play an active role in the preparation and sending of global outreach workers. It is our firm belief that there should be a strong tie between the local church and the outreach field.

Prayer for our Global Partners 

Jon & Andrea Hoglund
Serving with Hanoi Bible College to train up pastors for the Evangelical Church of Vietnam

  • Prayer for teaching & preaching ministries at his church and in the classroom.

  • For church leadership responsibilities

  • That they would be empowered by God to support local pastors & church planters/evangelists.

Eitan & Orit Kashtan
Involved in outreach and discipleship opportunities in Gan Yavne, Israel through active involvement in Grace & Truth Congregation and work at HaChotam Christian Publishing House

  • For their big children's project "My First 100 Songs" and the concert they will have in April.

  • For the Lord to provide an animation artist for future projects

  • For faithfulness in their other publishing projects

  • For solid faith and confidence in the Lord among the youth

Tim & Linda Kelly
Church planters of the Free Evangelical Bible Church in Meine, Germany.  Serving the local body and pursuing evangelistic opportunities through radio ministry and biblical training centers

  • For their online ministry to the nearby regions in Germany.

  • That the Lord would bring many gospel opportunities as they connect with friends and neighbors in their community.

  • That their church would exhibit the character of Philippians 2:3-5.

Theresa Kerns
Serving as the Human Resource Director for the USA Mobilizing Organization, Josiah Venture

  • That those who made professions of faith would stay strong in their new faith despite the challenges they face from the world and their families.

  • That our JV missionaries would remember what God has done and believe him to do even greater things.

  • That she would exemplify the light of Jesus to everyone she talks to.

Sasoon & Sirosh Margaryan
Church Planting in Akhaltsike, Georgia

  • Pray for continued faithful, bold witness to their church and in their community

  • Pray for the Lord's continued blessing and provision with their ministry

Contact the church office for more information
Serving with a Theological Seminary in Southeast Asia

  • Prayer for teaching & preaching ministries at his church and in the classroom.

  • For church leadership responsibilities

  • That they would be empowered by God to support of local pastors & church planters/evangelists.

  • That the Lord would be a shield around their family

Illie & Ghizela Nadaban
Church Planters of Pregeteria Baptist Church serving with Gypsy population in Arad, Romania

  • Praise God for the fruit of many new believers and baptisms in their church

  • Pray for faithfulness to the Word of God and in their witness to their community

Claire Patty
Serving as the Josiah Venture Kids Ministry Specialist

  • Pray for this partnership with the English teacher at my old school that through these relationships with students, God would open the way for Gospel conversations both with students and teachers. 

  • Pray for our three JVK who are seniors and applying for college this fall - this is not an easy task when they are looking into schools across the ocean in the U.S. Pray God gives them wisdom and direction! 

  • This passage is our vision for JV Kids Colossians 2:6-7

Dave & Connie Patty
Serving as Leadership and Prayer Support for Josiah Venture

  • Praise God for the Fall Conference. Prayer for the JV workers to grow in their love for the Gospel and the Lord personally. Wisdom and grace in their relationships with other believers.

  • Continued prayers for Malenovice Conference Center. Praise God for approval for the building!

  • Prayers for peaceful and fruitful relationships with neighbors

Tyler & Lara Patty
Serving with Josiah Venture in the Czech Republic through Theological Training, equipping young leaders, and ForMission Seminary

  • The launch of the ForMission Campus in Czech next Fall, especially for follow up with potential students. 

  • Local ministry as they each seek to invest in key leaders who can invest in others. 

  • Lara, who is teaching English conversation to 8th & 9th-graders once a month. Pray she can be a bridge to their local church.

Vova & Lucie Sofiyan
Church Planting and Theological Training in Artashat, Armenia

  • Please use these verses to direct your prayers for our global partners in Armenia

  • 1 Peter 3:14-15 But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect

  • Philippians 2:3-5 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus

Karis Wadsack
Serving the Youth Ministry in Stik Church in Maribor, Slovenia

  • For her relationships with the students in Fusion. That their conversations would run deep and the students would grow in faith in Jesus, or receive Him as Savior if they have not.

  • Prayers for transition as her church introduces new design for Sunday service and small group. 

  • For wisdom in relationship with Slovene friend exploring Catholic theology.

Heidi Ansiel (JV Intern)

  • We were excited to welcome Heidi home last week. Please be in prayer for her while she raises support and prepares to return to Slovenia with JV full time. Prayers for her transition. She hopes to be back on the field by April 2019.