Grace Church of DuPage

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Now Accepting Slovenia 2018 Applications

We are now accepting applications for the 2018 Short-term Summer Missions Team.

Mission Statement:

We believe that missions exist because worship doesn’t. The most discernible goal of missions is to make disciples of all the nations (Matt 28.19), preaching to them the good news of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life with Him, to the end that men and women from every tongue, tribe, nation and people would worship before the throne of the Lamb (Rev. 7.9). Our passion is to see people turn from lives devoted to the fleeting pleasures of sin to find everlasting satisfaction in God. This is accomplished by the grace of God which causes sinners to be awakened to their sin and to mourn over their rebellion against God, rejoicing in the forgiveness of sin provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To that end, in missions we seek to magnify the worth of Christ by preaching his gospel (2 Cor. 4.5) and praying for the ingathering of those who are His, and in so doing, to be the fragrance of life to some and the fragrance of death to others (2 Cor. 2.15-16).

Short-term missions have four subordinate aims in light of gathering Christ-worshippers. Short-termers go 1) to support, encourage, and edify Grace Church missionaries, 2) to prepare the ground for the potential establishment of a career missionary team, or church partnership, 3) in response to a discernible leading in their lives in pursuing a potential career ministry in missions, and 4) to become vibrant, passionate world-Christians who feel the urgency of the spread of the gospel.

Vision in Short-Term Missions:

We cannot have a working vision if we do not confidently draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). We cannot expect God to do a great work through us if we are not a praying people. So as you approach this, may you approach it with a praying heart, and not a heart of your own will or strength, because with man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). The ultimate goal in all of missions is to seek out worshipers from every tongue, tribe, and nation and people that they might find the glory of Christ, and the fullness of joy in Him.

Our goal in short-term missions is not to take the place of long-term missions, but rather assist bridging the gap between the nation and the local church through this ministry partnership with our missionaries. Our short-term teams must have a strategic evangelistic outreach to the nations. Our passion is to see all peoples shout to God with loud songs of joy (Psalms 47:1)! We seek and desire to be used by God to bring people to repentance, and a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that through these missions projects you would personally experience, even for a brief time, what world-missions really means, and as a result, that it might spark a fire for you to see the importance of missions, and possibly be used of God to direct you towards being a career missionary.

Requirements for Short-Termers:

  • An active and obvious commitment to Jesus Christ.
  • A strong commitment to ministry through the local church.
  • A discernible desire for world missions and an openness to career missions.
  • Demonstrated ministry experience in and through the local church.
  • Skill sets appropriate to the project.
  • Pre-field orientation and training (mid-spring).
  • Active participation in team fund-raising.
  • Students need to be going into their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school.