Grace Church of DuPage

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Prayer for Claire Patty's Send Off

We are praising God with Claire that in less than 10 months the Lord has provided complete support for her as the new Josiah Venture Kids Ministry Specialist. She will be flying back to the Czech Republic on December 19th.

Please take some time to lift Claire up in prayer during her last week in the states.

  • Praise God for his provision of 100% financial support for Claire
  • Praise also for His provision of a small and beautiful apartment in the village the Lord had laid on Claire's heart.
  • Pray for her that the Lord would help her to transition well as she wraps things up here, packs, says some difficult goodbyes, and looks forward to what the Lord has for her in her new role with Josiah Venture!
  • Prayers for safe travels, lots of rest, and sweet times spent with the Lord.
  • Energy and wisdom as she jumps into her new role with JV.
  • Unity and God honoring relationships already beginning to form with her team in Czech.