Apply for Slovenia 2017

We will be headed back to Slovenia to serve with our JV Missionary, Karis Wadsack, on June 28th - July 12th.  To get a taste for what we'll be doing there, check out last year's trip updates here.

If you are interested in serving on this team, you can download an application here Applications are due by February 1st.

Application Requirements:

  • An active and obvious commitment to Jesus Christ.
  • A strong commitment to ministry through the local church.
  • A discernible desire for world missions and an openness to career missions.
  • Demonstrated ministry experience in and through the local church.
  • Skill sets appropriate to the project.
  • Pre-field orientation and training (mid-spring).
  • Active participation in team fundraising.
  • Students need to be going into their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school.

If you have any questions about this trip or short-term missions in general, you can email Nick Conner at, or call him in the church office at (630) 393-7344.