God’s Faithfulness through the Ups and Downs of Life

“Life is a storm my young friend, you will bask in the sunlight one moment be shattered on the rocks the next.”

These are words spoken by Edmund Dantes in the movie rendition of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I think we can all resonate with Edmund’s words. Life is filled with turbulence of experiences and emotions which threaten to rob us of peace and joy.

In Theresa Kern’s last two updates she spent time reflecting on these ideas as well. She talked about the temptation to complain when circumstances don’t go well. She admitted to inclinations of doubt and fear when life threatens to bring hardship and pain. So what does she do when she feels the worries and cares of life weighing heavily on her heart?

Theresa refers to Psalm 31:14 in her update— “but I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hand”. Her response when storms come in life is to turn to the Lord, to submit herself to his plans and purposes, trusting in Him as her God. It is a simple, yet profound answer. As David declares in Psalm 18, “The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer. My God is my rock—I take refuge in him!—he’s my shield, my salvation’s strength, my place of safety.” Though we know and believe these truths from God’s word, storms of life put those convictions to the test. And yet, As Theresa said in her update, by the Lord’s enablement and grace, may this trust be our first response when troubles come!

Theresa has been faithfully working with Josiah Venture since 2002 as the Human Resources Director. She has been gifted with a heart for discipleship and service which is a tremendous blessing to the JV missionaries she serves with. To learn more about her ministry please follow this link.

Here are some current ways you can be keeping her in your prayers.

  • She left for her spring trip overseas on April 21st. She will be flying to Croatia to see friends and then driving with them to the JV family conference. Please pray for health and safety during her travels.

  • Meaningful conversations -- knowing when and how to go deeper with someone's needs that helps them see God at work.

  • That she would seek to serve and not be served.

  • Hudson’s continued medical journey.

  • That her first response during difficult times, would be thanksgiving and trust in the Lord.

If you would like to spend time praying for the ministries and missionaries of Josiah Venture, follow this link to the JV Prayer Room.