Two Ways to Identify Where You Need to Grow

Renovation of the Heart

Galatians 5:19 – 23
Renew Youth Ministry — December 18, 2016


Identify where you need to grow:

  1. Where do I see the acts of the flesh still at work in my life?
  2. Which fruits of the Spirit am I stronger in? Which fruit am I weaker in?

Acts of the Flesh (1)

Fleshly Sexuality

  • Sexual Immorality - Sexual intercourse between unmarried people
  • Impurity - Unnatural and impure sexual conduct
  • Sensuality - Uncontrolled sexuality, without regard for the rights or feelings of others

Fleshly Religion

  • Idolatry - Worshipping (chasing after, longing for, desiring to have) created things instead of God.
  • Sorcery - Faking the work of the Spirit Fleshly Attitudes That Destroy Relationships

Fleshly Attitudes That Destroy Relationships

  • Selfish Ambition - Competitiveness that seeks to get glory for yourself
  • Envy - Desiring what other people have
  • Jealousy - Self-centered zeal that resents other people when they get good things and you don’t
  • Hatred - Being hostile and mean towards others

Results of Fleshly Attitudes in Relationships

  • Rivalries - Being argumentative or seeking to pick fights
  • Fits of Anger – Outbursts of anger
  • Dissensions - Divisions between people
  • Divisions - You have enemies or groups of people you are divided from

Fleshly Substance Abuse

  • Drunkenness - Drinking alcohol to the point of becoming drunk
  • Orgies (Drinking Orgies) - Addiction to substances you smoke, eat, drink, inject, etc. to give yourself pleasure


The Fruit of the Spirit


  • Definition: To serve a person for their good and intrinsic value, not for what the person brings you.
  • Opposite: Fear: self-protection and abusing people
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Selfish affection, where you are attracted to someone and treat them well because of how they make you feel about yourself.


  • Definition: A delight in God for the sheer beauty and worth of who He is.
  • Opposite: Hopelessness or despair
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Excitement that is based on receiving blessings, not God (the Blesser)


  • Definition: A confidence and rest in the wisdom and control of God, rather than in your own.
  • Opposite: Anxiety and worry
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Indifference, apathy, not caring about something


  • Definition: An ability to face trouble without blowing up or lashing out.
  • Opposite: Resentment toward God and others
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Cynicism or lack of care (this is too small to care about)


  • Definition: An ability to serve others practically in a way which makes me vulnerable, which comes from having a deep inner security.
  • Opposite: Envy, being unable to rejoice in a another person’s joy.
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Manipulative good deeds, doing good for others so I can congratulate myself and feel I am “good enough” for others or for God.


  • Definition: Being the same person in every situation
  • Opposite: Being a phony or a hypocrite.
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Getting things off your chest just to make you look or feel better about yourself.


  • Definition: Loyalty, courage to be utterly reliable and true to your word.
  • Opposite: Opportunistic, a friend only in good times
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Loving but not truthful, so that you are never willing to confront or challenge.


  • Definition: A humble attitude that avoids arguments and fights.
  • Opposite: Self-absorbed and aggressive


  • Definition: The ability to control your passions and desires. To pursue the important over the urgent.
  • Opposite: Impulsive and uncontrolled.
  • Counterfeit (a fake version): Willpower which is ‘based on pride, the need to feel in control.’


Things to keep in mind regarding the fruit of the Spirit:


Change is gradual – you never see fruit growing, you can only measure it over time

Growth is inevitable – If you have the Spirit, you will grow

Roots are internal – Not miracles or amazing preaching or leadership skills but a heart that has changed

Growth is symmetrical - A tree doesn’t have one full apple and some tiny apples and some blossoms, they all grow together. This does not mean that you will be equal in all areas, but that you’re growing equally in all areas

Growth happens as we stay connected to the vine – We grow not by focusing on being more loving, or self controlled, but by focusing on Jesus and being more like Him.

1 All definitions are adapted from Keller, Timothy. Galatians For You. The Good Book Company: ebook, 2013. Pg. 117 – 127.