Welcome Summer!
Image- Yuganov Konstantin, Canva Pro
Parent’s Corner- May 22, 2022
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
While the verse above was spoken directly to Joshua specifically, I believe it does contain truth that can be applied to all believers. If we confess our belief in the Lord, He is with us, and therefore we can go in confidence knowing that we are not doing this life on our own.
With summer travels and special events, there will likely be plenty of time spent in the car or other mode of transportation. . . aka, a captive audience! Take advantage of those moments to assure your children that the Lord loves them very much, and created them specifically for His glory.
Parent’s Corner will return in September when our Sunday school classes resume. Happy summer everyone!
This week in Sunday School. . .
2/3s- The Jailer Who Believed
Scripture- Acts 16:16-40
Lesson Truth- Everyone needs Jesus
Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:
Tell what Paul and Silas did at midnight in the prison
Tell who took care of Paul and Silas
Answer the question- Who needs Jesus?
Tell what happened to the jailer and his family
4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th- God Gives the Ten Commandments
Scripture- Exodus 20
Principle- God’s standards are perfect.
Ask Your Child- Why did God give laws to the Israelites?
Apply- By loving God more than anything else.
This Week- As a family, read Exodus 20
Children’s Church- God calls Joshua to be His servant.
Scripture- Joshua 1: 1-9
Principle- God requires believers to live as His servants.
Ask Your Child- What did God command Joshua?
Apply- By being strong and courageous in serving God.
This Week- As a family, read Joshua 1:1-9
Next Week- Joshua 2:1-24