A Life Transformed
Parent’s Corner- April 30, 2023
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
This week, I’ve been enjoying the tulips blooming in the front of my house. Their bright colors and green leaves are so bright and cheery! When they were planted, though, they did not look so lovely! They were dark and void of any color. How amazing that that little bulb that was planted in the dark is now a lovely flower in the sun that brings joy to those who see it! I think about this when I think about the story of Paul. The life that once was dark was then lived for Christ! While our conversion may not be as dramatic, it is still lovely to the Lord! How are you and your family living for the Lord this week? How can you demonstrate God’s love to those around you?
This week in Sunday school. . .
2/3s- Jesus Changes Paul
Scripture- Acts 9:1-20
Lesson Truth- Jesus changed Paul into a friend.
Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during the lesson
Complete this sentence: Jesus changed Paul from an enemy to a __________
Act out the Bible story
Tell who changed Paul
Express assurance that Jesus always loves them even when they disobey
Sunday School- God Uses Gideon to Deliver Israel
Scripture- Judges 6:1-8:34
Principle- God chooses to deliver His people.
Ask Your Child- Why were the Israelites suffering under the Midianites?
Apply- By admitting that he/she is unworthy of God’s grace and deliverance, but He gives it anyway.
This Week- As a family, read 6:1-8:34
Next Week- Judges 13-16
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