Short Term Teams
Short-term global outreach teams have four subordinate aims in light of gathering Christ-worshippers. Short-termers go 1) to support, encourage, and edify Grace Church global outreach partners, 2) to prepare the ground for the potential establishment of a career global outreach team, or church partnership, 3) in response to a discernible leading in their lives in pursuing a potential career ministry in global outreach, and 4) to become vibrant, passionate world-Christians who feel the urgency of the spread of the gospel.
Our goal in short-term outreach is not to take the place of long-term outreach, but rather assist bridging the gap between the nation and the local church through this ministry partnership with our global outreach partners. Our short-term teams must have a strategic evangelistic outreach to the nations. Our passion is to see all peoples shout to God with loud songs of joy (Psalms 47:1)! We seek and desire to be used by God to bring people to repentance, and a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that through these global outreach projects you would personally experience, even for a brief time, what world-outreach really means, and as a result, that it might spark a fire for you to see the importance of global outreach, and possibly be used of God to direct you towards being a career global outreach partner.