Called by God
Adoption is a ministry first demonstrated to us by the love that God shows us, in that God so loved the world, that while we were still sinners, he sent his only son, Christ to die for us, to reconcile us to himself, and through his new life and victory over sin and death, we are offered adoption into his family through repentance and faith in him. As sons and daughters adopted into God's family, we look forward to an inheritance as one of His own, where unconditional love and perfect peace will reign forever and ever.
In contrast to the present world we live in, perfect love and peace is beyond our imagination. Our present world is one stained and twisted by sin and darkness. Apart from Christ, our families are broken. Self-centeredness and self-gain overshadow and corrupt any attempt at truly life-giving and self-giving love. Peace is absent from the home. The innate sinful habits modeled by parents illustrate a false picture of love for children. This false model only leads children to further corruption, contempt, and confusion. Apart from Christ, our families are in an endless spiral breeding further sin and death.
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone . . . (Galatians 6:7-10a).
How can we sow to the Spirit? Who will deliver us from this spiral of corruption and chaos in the home, and in our lives? Jesus Christ is the only answer. He is the Prince of Peace. Christ has conquered sin and death and has called us to adoption as sons and daughters. In doing so he has also called us to participate in bringing his rule and reign of peace on earth.
Our History
A formal proposal for a GCD adoption ministry was presented to our Elders in July 2009. Soon after, we formed ties with ABBA Fund, which now holds and dispenses the Adoptions by Grace Fund on our behalf. Adoptions by Grace granted its first interest-free loan in January 2010 and its first matching grant in October 2010.
Parnter with us
The Adoptions by Grace Fund at Grace Church of DuPage exists as one of the most concrete ways to assist Grace Church families who are pursuing adoption. Are you interested in adopting? Let us know.
How it Works
Interest-free loans and matching grants are provided in amounts of up to $5,000. This Fund is built up primarily through the generous donations of people in the Grace Church family. As a result, Grace Church as a whole has the privilege of playing a part in God’s work of rescuing orphans, bringing sons and daughters and mothers and fathers into existence, and seeing our church family grow in number and diversity.
Support By Giving
If the Lord is leading you in this way to contribute to seeing adoptions come to fruition at Grace, you can donate to the fund by:
Writing a check to Grace Church of DuPage with “Adoption Fund” in the memo line and put it in one of the offering boxes in the Lobby.
Giving online and selecting “Adoption Fund” as your designation.
Are You Interested in Adoption?
Share the Joy
Rejoice in your adoption by God and talk to others about it.
Pray for Grace Church to develop a culture of adoption.
Pray for the 132 million orphans in the around the world.
Consider becoming a foster or adoptive family.