Posts in Opportunities to Serve
Get Involved with Sports Ministry

We provide an athletic and recreational environment for sports-loving people and their families that we might live and proclaim the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to all who enter our courts and fields.  Multiple families in our community have a father or husband that participate in our basketball league each January-March.  Consider attending these games, getting to know these families and their little ones, and pursuing gospel opportunities with them.

Sports: Open Gym, Basketball League, Flag Football, Softball League, Kid's Basketball Camps, and the occasional Saturday Night Volleyball.

Contact Jeff Goodman

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Support Adoptions by Grace

Adoptions by Grace exists to proclaim the Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting, neighbor-loving message of adoption and to partner with GCD families who are in the process of adoption with prayer, counsel, encouragement, community, and financial support.  You can be involved in this mission by adopting or giving financially toward those who are looking to adopt.

Contact Ray Glinski

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