Ray's Ways

While it was a busy weekend for many of us, we managed to pull together our first full team meeting yesterday! We were blessed to be joined by our Missions Pastor Ray Glinski who blessed us with some sage wisdom from his many years of short term mission trips. 

It was so helpful to be reminded of our mission on this trip - Help Slovenian unbelievers connect with Slovenian believers. Often times short term mission teams can go with grand expectations of deep relationships resulting in numerous conversions, forgetting that even if this does take place, in two weeks times we'll be leaving the country and our Slovenian friends will be in desperate need of Christian friends to counsel, disciple, and continue to witness to them. 

That is why the mission of connecting Slovenian unbelievers with Slovenian believers is such a worthy pursuit. It seeks to build relationships that are gospel centered and sustainable and gives our unbelieving friends the best chance of being introduced to Christ and then being enveloped into loving Christian community.

Pray that our team will be able to keep this mission central in our minds as we prepare and as we go about our two weeks in Slovenia.

In other news, we're beginning to create a list of talents that we have that could be used to help run the Fusion camp. We're also busy planning our fundraisers, from a dinner, to silent auction, to ordering T-shirts that we can sell. We're looking forward to seeing how God provides for this team!