John 7:37–52
I. Come and Drink 37-39
II. Search and See 40-52
Ephesians 1:1–14
I. Good News that Reveals the Glory of God – 3-6
II. Three Reasons This Good News Matters to Us – 7-12
A. Redemption from Past Estrangement – 7-8
B. Richness in Present Relationship – 9-10
C. Reward of Future Inheritance – 11-12
III. How We Can Know This Good News Is True – 13-14
Galatians 3:23-4:7
I. Salvation History Plays Out Like a Maturing Process
II. The Birth of Jesus Functions Like a Rite of Passage
III. The Holy Spirit Is God's Gift of 'Life' to His Children
Acts 13:4–12
I. The Spirit Directs the Missionaries' Steps – 4-5
II. The Spirit Empowers the Missionaries' Works – 6-11
III. The Spirit Accomplishes the Missionaries' Results – 12
Acts 4:23–31
I. When God's People Pray... – 23-30
II. ... God Hears and Answers – 31
Acts 4:5–22
I. The power behind the healing (vs. 5-12)
II. Power to speak about Jesus (vs. 13-22)
a. The Apostles’ authority is not in themselves.
b. The Apostles testify to what they have seen and heard.
III. God calls you to testify to what you have seen and heard in Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:42–47
I. What Qualities Identify the Presence of the Spirit?
II. What Should Be Our Take-Away This Morning?
Acts 2:14–41
I. Peter's Proclamation regarding God's Spirit – 14-21
II. Peter's Proclamation regarding God's Son – 22-36
III. Peter's Proclamation regarding God's Salvation – 37-41
Acts 2:1–13
I. Receiving the Giving of the Holy Spirit – 1-4
II. Responding to the Giving of the Holy Spirit – 5-13
Acts 1:1–5
I. Some Introductory Help for Studying Acts
II. Luke's Arresting Introduction to the Story of Acts
Acts 2:1–13
Read More2 Corinthians 3:1–18
I. Encountering God’s Glory Apart from Christ
II. Experiencing God’s Glory in Christ
III. Enjoying God’s Glory in This New Covenant Community
Colossians 4:2
Read MoreWhat did Jesus teach about the Spirit? He promised a Counselor. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my mind? What did the apostles teach about the Spirit? If we want the life and peace the Holy Spirit promises we must take responsibility for submitting our thoughts to him. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my will? Understanding what it means to "walk" as referred to in Galatians 5:16-26 is crucial. We must recognize that this is not a one-time event. I must choose to submit my will to him over and over every day. How is a person filled with the Holy Spirit? I am filled with the Spirit when His presence, influence and control penetrate every corner of my life (John 12:3). How can I be more filled with the Spirit?
Read MoreWhat did Jesus teach about the Spirit? He promised a Counselor. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my mind? What did the apostles teach about the Spirit? If we want the life and peace the Holy Spirit promises we must take responsibility for submitting our thoughts to him. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my will? Understanding what it means to "walk" as referred to in Galatians 5:16-26 is crucial. We must recognize that this is not a one-time event. I must choose to submit my will to him over and over every day. How is a person filled with the Holy Spirit? I am filled with the Spirit when His presence, influence and control penetrate every corner of my life (John 12:3). How can I be more filled with the Spirit?
Read MoreWhat did Jesus teach about the Spirit? He promised a Counselor. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my mind? What did the apostles teach about the Spirit? If we want the life and peace the Holy Spirit promises we must take responsibility for submitting our thoughts to him. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my will? Understanding what it means to "walk" as referred to in Galatians 5:16-26 is crucial. We must recognize that this is not a one-time event. I must choose to submit my will to him over and over every day. How is a person filled with the Holy Spirit? I am filled with the Spirit when His presence, influence and control penetrate every corner of my life (John 12:3). How can I be more filled with the Spirit?
Read MoreWhat did Jesus teach about the Spirit? He promised a Counselor. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my mind? What did the apostles teach about the Spirit? If we want the life and peace the Holy Spirit promises we must take responsibility for submitting our thoughts to him. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my will? Understanding what it means to "walk" as referred to in Galatians 5:16-26 is crucial. We must recognize that this is not a one-time event. I must choose to submit my will to him over and over every day. How is a person filled with the Holy Spirit? I am filled with the Spirit when His presence, influence and control penetrate every corner of my life (John 12:3). How can I be more filled with the Spirit?
Read MoreWhat did Jesus teach about the Spirit? He promised a Counselor. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my mind? What did the apostles teach about the Spirit? If we want the life and peace the Holy Spirit promises we must take responsibility for submitting our thoughts to him. How does the Holy Spirit relate to my will? Understanding what it means to "walk" as referred to in Galatians 5:16-26 is crucial. We must recognize that this is not a one-time event. I must choose to submit my will to him over and over every day. How is a person filled with the Holy Spirit? I am filled with the Spirit when His presence, influence and control penetrate every corner of my life (John 12:3). How can I be more filled with the Spirit?
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