John 8:31–47
Read MoreJohn 5:30–47
I. Seeing and Hearing the Array of Witnesses to Jesus
II. Trusting and Believing the Array of Witnesses to Jesus
Ephesians 1:15–23
Romans 12:3–8
1 Corinthians 12:12–27
Acts 4:5–22
I. The power behind the healing (vs. 5-12)
II. Power to speak about Jesus (vs. 13-22)
a. The Apostles’ authority is not in themselves.
b. The Apostles testify to what they have seen and heard.
III. God calls you to testify to what you have seen and heard in Jesus Christ.
Colossians 2:6-15
I. The Central Charge to Walk in Christ – 6-7
II. The Sobering Warning to Avoid Captivity – 8
III. The Reasons Why Christ Is Superior – 9-15
Colossians 1:15-20
I. Jesus Is Lord Over All Creation – 15-17
II. Jesus Is Lord Over New Creation – 18-20
Romans 8:1 - 4
1. A Hopeless Situation
2. A Unique Savior
3. A Sufficient Act
4. Salvation is through Faith Alone in Christ Alone