Mark 16:1–8
Read MoreEzekiel 8:1–11:25
I. Stunning Expressions of Idolatry and Rebellion
II. Breathtaking Responses from God in Judgment
III. Glimmers of Good News Beyond All Comprehension
Ezekiel 4:1–7:27
I. The Destruction of Jerusalem Pictured – 4:1-5:17
II. The Desolation of the Land Proclaimed – 6:1-7:27
Ezekiel 1:4–3:27
I. A Fresh and Overwhelming Vision of God – 1:4-28
II. A Calling to Proclaim God's Word Courageously – 2:1-3:11
III. Ezekiel Struggles with Fulfilling His Calling – 3:12-15
IV. Ezekiel Receives Specific, Unique Instruction – 3:16-27
Ezekiel 1:1–3
Read MoreRevelation 19:6-9
I. Glimpses of the Bride that Have Been True in the Past
II. Glimpses of the Bride that Are True in the Present
III. Glimpses of the Bride that Will Be True in the Future
Philippians 3:17–4:1
I. We strive side by side!
II. We light the way for one another!
III. We hold hands while we wait!
IV. There is no citizenship of One!
V. Do we really long for our heavenly country?
1 Timothy 3:14–16
I. What is the truth?
II. How is the Church a Pillar and Buttress of the Truth?
III. How are we to conduct ourselves in the Church?
2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1
I. What is the temple?
II. How is the Church the temple?
III. So what?
1 Peter 5:1–5
I. Resurrecting a Dead Metaphor
II. The Responsibility of a Shepherd (vv. 1-4)
III. The Response of the Sheep (v. 5a)
IV. The Posture in the Pasture (v. 5b)
Selected Texts, Ephesians 2:11-22, 1 Timothy 3:14-15 and 5:1-2, Hebrews 3:3-6 and 3:12-14
I. The First Household (Genesis 2:23-25)
II. A House Bought By Blood (Ephesians 2:11-13)
III. A House United (Ephesians 2:14-19)
IV. The Head Of The House (Ephesians 2:20-22)
V. Members Of The House (1 Timothy 3:14-15 & 5:1-2)
VI. Holding Fast (Hebrews 3:3-6 & 3:12-14)
Romans 12:3–8
1 Corinthians 12:12–27
1 Peter 2:9–12
I. What Is the Core Identity of the Church?
II. What Is the Core Activity of the Church?
Philemon 1–25
I. The bond of friendship [1-7]
II. The mirror of the gospel [8-16]
III. Until we meet again [17-25]
Galatians 3:23-4:7
I. Salvation History Plays Out Like a Maturing Process
II. The Birth of Jesus Functions Like a Rite of Passage
III. The Holy Spirit Is God's Gift of 'Life' to His Children
Isaiah 61:1–3
Read MoreRomans 16:25-27
I. What Is Paul’s Central Purpose in This Closing Passage?
II. Why Is This Paul’s Central Purpose as His Letter Ends?
III. How Are We Best Able to Fulfill this Central Purpose?
Romans 16:1-24
I. Greetings to Beloved Ones – 1-16
II. Warnings about Divisive Ones – 17-20
III. Greetings from Beloved Ones – 21-24
Romans 15:14–33
I. Paul's Purpose and Perspective in His Writing – 14-21
II. Paul’s Purpose and Plan in His Travels – 22-29
III. Paul's Appeals for Prayer and for Peace – 30-33
Romans 15:7–13
I. The Principle – 7
II. The Proof – 8-12
III. The Payoff – 13